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Buying a dissertation 6 months

Buying a dissertation 6 months

buying a dissertation 6 months

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The LSE—Gaddafi affair was a scandal in the United Kingdom that occurred as a result of relationship that existed between the London School of Economics LSE and the Libyan government and its leader Muammar Gaddafi and his son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, buying a dissertation 6 months. The NGO Gaddafi Foundation pledged to donate £1. In addition, LSE Enterprise established a contract worth £2.

Inthe LSE granted a PhD degree [1] to Saif al-Islam Gaddafithe son of the Libyan leader, for a dissertation. In DecemberMuammar Gaddafi addressed members buying a dissertation 6 months the School in a video link-up where he was addressed as "Brother Leader" and received an LSE cap previously given to Nelson Mandela. At the time of the Libyan Civil Warthe relationship between the LSE and the Gaddafi regime, and the conduct of individual members of LSE's staff was called into question.

As a result of the scandal, the LSE's Director, Sir Howard Daviesresigned on 3 Marchciting "errors of judgement". The Arab Spring is also a Western Winter, buying a dissertation 6 months. How did we back, use and encourage the brutality of Arab dictators over so many years?

To what degree did that cynical encouragement of despots foster the very jihadist rage Western societies sought to curb? In Libya's government engaged Monitor Groupa Boston-based, Harvard-linked, consultancy firm founded by Harvard Business Buying a dissertation 6 months professor Mark Fuller, as advisors on matters of public relations.

A number of Harvard University academics were active within Monitor. One way to achieve this aim was to recruit prominent journalists and intellectuals who were prepared to travel to Libya and write in positive terms about the country. In and the company organized two trips to Libya for Giddens, when the former LSE Director met with Muammar Gaddafi, buying a dissertation 6 months.

Giddens has declined to comment on the financial compensation he received on these occasions. Giddens' first visit to Libya resulted in articles in the New StatesmanEl País and La Repubblicawhere he argued that Libya had been transformed.

In the New Statesman he wrote: "Gaddafi's 'conversion' may have been driven partly by the wish to escape sanctions, but I get the strong sense it is authentic and there is a lot of motive power behind it. Saif Gaddafi is a driving force behind the rehabilitation and potential modernisation of Libya. Gaddafi Sr, however, is authorising these processes. McWorld — chaired by the veteran journalist Sir David Frost. InMuammar Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafireceived a PhD from the Department of Philosophy at the LSE with a dissertation entitled "The Role of Civil Society in the Democratization of Global Governance Institutions: From 'Soft Power' to Collective Decision-Making?

The external examiner, Anthony McGrew, has collaborated with David Held on seven jointly written or co-edited books. The preface of the dissertation says it was submitted in September, ; an LSE press office statement says that the PhD was "awarded in "; but David Held is on record as saying Saif Gaddafi "received his PhD from the LSE in In the acknowledgements, Gaddafi thanks "a number of individuals at Monitor Group with whom I worked to design and conduct the NGO Survey which provides empirical data for this thesis.

Allyn and Flora Rose, a Cambridge graduate who works for the leader of the House of Lords. Our aim, they said, had been to "help the Gaddafi regime bring about change. According to John Christensen who independently tutored Gaddafi in economics, "Saif lacked the intellectual depth to study at that level, and showed no willingness to read let alone do course work. Even before Gaddafi had buying a dissertation 6 months examined for his PhD, according to a senior LSE source, the Pro-Directors of the School were "anticipating the solicitation of a donation, buying a dissertation 6 months.

The donation was used to create a "North Africa Programme" which would "place Libya within the wider context of the region," and over time narrow its focus to "the specific issues and challenges facing Libya. According to a leaked internal memo, Gaddafi had a direct influence over the research activities of the North Africa Programme.

In JulyBrahimi met with Gaddafi in Libya and in Greece to "talk over objectives and expectations" and to "agree upon topics for workshops. The Times reported on 3 March that the LSE had secured a buying a dissertation 6 months. The School agreed to bring "future leaders" from Libya for training in leadership and management, with an additional people due to be trained in Libya itself.

The private commercial arrangement was made by Gaddafi. government and the London School of Economics, among other U. institutions, on an exchange program buying a dissertation 6 months send people to London for leadership and management training. On 4 OctoberFred HallidayEmeritus Professor of International Relations at the LSE and the School's leading expert on the Middle East, wrote a memorandum to the LSE Council regarding the proposed cooperation with the Gaddafi Foundation.

While those in favour of accepting the donation argued that "Libya is changing internally," most informed observers agree buying a dissertation 6 months while some of the worst excesses for the moment have ceased, the rights of its people are badly protected. Libya "remains a country run by a secretive, erratic and corrupt elite. Yet tactical changes in foreign policy are not sufficient for the purposes of evaluating political and academic links. There are also ways in which Libyan foreign policy has not changed: the country continues to call for the destruction of Israel; Muammar Gaddafi recently called for the buying a dissertation 6 months of Switzerland, and he receives the leader of the Somali pirates operating off the Horn of Africa as honoured guests of state.

Moreover, Libya's handling of the Lockerbie bombing "has not been characterised by either consistency or clarity,". I have in the past, Halliday noted, buying a dissertation 6 months, defended accepting grants from authoritarian regimes such as the Gulf states, "but there should be clear limits on this, depending on the degree of political and human rights abuses perpetrated with them and on their ongoing foreign policy conduct.

Responsible leaders throughout the Middle East continue to express reservations regarding Libya, including "its more buying a dissertation 6 months 'liberal' representatives. It is, as LSE alumni in positions of responsibility in the region caution, "far too early for the School to take this step.

InHuman Rights Watch was allowed entry to Libya, via Saif al-Islam Gaddafi 's non-profit organization in order to gather facts about the human rights situation there.

She also wrote of her official visit that "the real impetus for the transformation rests squarely with a quasi-governmental organization, the Qaddafi Foundation for International Charities and Development" chaired by Gaddafi.

She praised Gaddafi for establishing the country's two semi-private newspapers, and said "it is impossible to underestimate the importance of the efforts made so far. Let's hope this spring will last. In JanuaryHRW criticised other organisations as well as governments that had previously dealt with Gaddafi. HRW Business and Human Rights Director Arvind Ganesan condemned the London School of Economics LSE for allowing "abusive and corrupt officials or their families to launder their images in exchange for money".

This was later followed by Ganesen saying that "the London School of Economics did not act until Saif al-Islam's father literally began to kill his own people". According to NGO Monitorthis was despite the fact that David Held, Co-Director of LSE Global Governance, was partially influenced by Whitson's remarks regarding her Libyan visit, buying a dissertation 6 months, referring to Saif al-Islam Gaddafi as a reformer.

In FebruaryHRW's Whitson admitted that "Seif Islam in fact abandoned his nascent reform agenda long before. Peter Denis Sutherlandformerly Attorney General of Ireland, European Commissioner, and Head of the World Trade Organisation, finished a year stint as chairman of BP, Europe's largest oil company in early In Spring he was appointed Chair of London School of Economics Governors commencing in At the LSE council meeting in Peter Sutherland declared a conflict of interest when the council decided to accept £1.

Sutherland's conflict was that BP had signed an oil deal with Libya two years previously, at a time when Sutherland was chairman of the British oil giant. LSE records show Sutherland took no further role buying a dissertation 6 months that part of the June meeting.

On 25 Maybuying a dissertation 6 months, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi gave a "Ralph Miliband lecture" at the LSE, named after Ralph Milibanda Marxist scholar and former LSE lecturer. Gaddafi spoke on the topic of "Libya: Past, Present, and Future. Saif is committed to resolving contentious international and domestic issues through dialogue, debate and peaceful negotiations. Within his own country Saif has spearheaded efforts to open with Islamic militants about the nature and form of their struggle in order to find ways of bringing them back into the political process.

His success was based on the use of the language of "soft power," that is, the language of dialogue. Throughout this time I've come to know Saif as someone who looks to democracy, civil society and deep liberal values for the core of his inspiration. Held went on to say that he had many tutorials with Saif and that throughout ongoing dialogue on a range of issues they came to agree on some, and to disagree on much, buying a dissertation 6 months.

On the evening of the lecture, a fight broke out between anti-Gaddafi protesters and pro-Gaddafi supporters, buying a dissertation 6 months. The police were eventually called in to buying a dissertation 6 months up the altercation. The Ralph Miliband Programme at the LSE was founded by a former student of my dad's The idea of Saif Gaddafi giving a lecture under his name is just horrific to him and horrific to the whole family obviously, [48].

There were approximately journalists at the event, however reports on the lecture were largely uncritical and did not raise the issues surrounding the LSE engagement with Libya. David Miliband continued his own association with LSE, giving a lecture at LSE on 8 March, two days after the above comments, where he made reference to the school's early history of economic liberalism combined with social justice.

An open letter by Professor John Keane asks Professor David Held to explain further his links with Libya and to reconsider his reactions. Professor Keane raises several questions, such as: Has the LSE Libya affair not done damage to the scholarly credibility of research programs in the buying a dissertation 6 months of democracy? Many argued that it was vindictive and overblown. An overview of Halliday and Held - who were both contributors to openDemocracy - with respect to the affair and the larger implications for the independence of UK universities was published by its former editor Fred Halliday, David Held, the LSE and the independence of universities.

In October Held resigned from his post at the LSE in advance of the publication an independent report into the LSE's links with Libya. David Held issued a personal statement buying a dissertation 6 months reaction to the allegations, saying that "in many discussions and meetings I encouraged the development of [Gaddafi's] reform agenda and subsequently sought to support it through research on the North Africa Programme funded by the Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation" at the LSE.

The inquiry report says it was Professor Held, who "first approached Saif about the possibility of funding his centre for Global Governance in December ". This was after the dictator's son had been awarded his PhD by the LSE but before the formal graduation ceremony. The gift offered was of £1. Periodic payments were to be made annually.

The report says: "This was not a one-off donation but the founding of a relationship between the school and the donor, which is not unusual. However, bearing in mind the volatility of the Gaddafi regime, buying a dissertation 6 months, the gift involved a substantial risk because of the length of the relationship. This step "became essential to Professor Held's presentation of the gift.

Unless the money could be shown as coming to the foundation from private sources it could have been seen as unacceptable money from the Libyan state. However, what has been made plain is that proper structures of governance are needed to protect academic integrity against influence from the interests of private donors. Fred Halliday, a distinguished Middle East expert at the LSE before his death, criticised the donation in a letter that described the country's rulers as a "secretive, erratic and corrupt elite", buying a dissertation 6 months.

Held was appointed to the board of the Gaddafi foundation on 28 Junea few days after the gift was discussed and accepted by the university's governing body. Held subsequently resigned from the charity on the LSE council's advice. Despite institutional and procedural criticism the Woolf report, however, exonerated LSE staff including David Held stating that they acted in what they believed to be the best interests of the school.

On 2 Decemberin a video-link conference hosted by the LSE, of LSE Global Governance, introduced Muammar Gaddafi as "Brother Leader," and referred to him as "the world's longest serving national leader. Gaddafi used the occasion to denounce the Lockerbie bombing as a "fabrication and creation" of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, and revealed that the Libyan national, Abdelbaset al-Megrahiwho was convicted of the bombing and imprisoned in Scotland inbut returned to Libya in on health grounds, was preparing a multi-million pound compensation claim against Britain for false imprisonment and medical neglect, buying a dissertation 6 months.

On 20 FebruarySaif al-Islam Gaddafi delivered an address to the nation on Libyan state television stating that if no agreement could be found between protesters and the government "thousands of deaths, buying a dissertation 6 months, and rivers of blood will run through Libya". He also insisted that his father remained in charge with the army's backing and would "fight until the last man, the last woman, the last bullet.

On 28 FebruaryCBS News showed a clip of Gaddafi addressing a group of supporters in Tripoli, buying a dissertation 6 months. If we would hold tomorrow election my father would win with a big majority".

because now everybody is armed in Libya. This is an historic opportunity for Libya to become a first-class democratic state.

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