Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Best paying article writing websites

Best paying article writing websites

best paying article writing websites

Feb 06,  · So it’s a decent paid writing site to fall back on if you have no luck elsewhere. Ebyline – Best for Published Writers. Do you have posts you authored on the Web in your name? Are any of them for high-level sites? If so, you can build up a credible profile on Ebyline very fast May 10,  · Pay is $ for profiles, short essays, reviews, blog posts, and "parting shots" under words. Pay is $ for feature stories and photo essays generally running words. And pay is $ for research-based articles and investigative reporting Best Sites that will Pay You to Write Articles Online. Wow Women on Writing: $ Wow Women on Writing does one thing really well: They look after female writers, encourage them and genuinely seek to Strong Whispers: $50 – $ Want to Start Writing and Earning Straight Away? Link-Able

Get Paid To Write Articles: 20+ Websites That Pay You For Writing

You can earn that and more writing online if you know where to look. That's where this list comes in. Some even pay significantly more than that, so check them out even if you aren't best paying article writing websites getting started. Explore these websites that pay writers to see if any are a good fit for you.

And don't forget to keep an eye on the writer's market directory where I periodically add new listings, best paying article writing websites. NOTE: As of Maythe writer's market directory was moved to a new backend system. This allows posts like this one to be automatically updated as new markets meeting the pay requirements are added to the directory. It also means you can report markets by clicking "report link" if details have changed or the link is broken.

This helps ensure this post will always be up-to-date. Bookmark this post and check back periodically for new and updated markets. Atlanta Parent is a locally-owned print and digital magazine for Atlanta area parents. They accept personal essays of words, practical articles of words, and longer feature articles of words.

Autostraddle is a progressively feminist online publication catering to lesbian, bisexual, and queer trans women. They also include content about and by non-binary individuals.

They accept freelance submissions covering fashion, beauty, sex, relationships, best paying article writing websites, dating, trends, and humor. Backpacker magazine covers hiking, backpacking, North American destinations, best paying article writing websites advice for improving the backcountry experience.

All articles and photos must appear to Leave No Trace's ecologically friendly practices. Destination features run words. They also accept personality, technique, and gear features as well as freelance-friendly departments Life List: words; Done in a Day: words, Weekend; Skills; and Gear.

They also publish web-only content from freelancers based on each month's theme. They pay on acceptance and buy all rights. Beneath Ceaseless Skies seeks short stories under 15, words. They publish "literary adventure fantasy" with secondary-world settings. They pay 8 cents per word. Better Humans accepts contributions offering actionable advice, based on the author's experience and primary research, on topics such as productivity, leadership, and health.

BitcoinTechWeekly is looking for freelance contributors who can write word lead-in editorials for their Weekly Edition categories based on current events, up to word briefs and highlights also based on current events, and feature articles. Articles must be in Markdown format. Bitter Lawyer a part of Bitter Empire accepts articles such as rants and listicles from lawyers and law students about about whatever has them feeling bitter.

Writers are permitted to write under pseudonyms. Briarpatch Magazine publishing work of political importance on topics such as grassroots activism, electoral politics, economic justice, labour, gender equity, best paying article writing websites, indigenous struggles, and more. They accept submissions from new and experienced freelance writers alike.

Broken Pencil is "the magazine of zine culture and the independent arts. Pitch deadlines for seasonal issues are January 15th, April 15th, July 15th, and October 15th. They accept articles related to environmental services, mold removal, asbestos testing, water damage restoration, air duct cleaning, pollution inspection, and building inspections. The Christian Science Monitor is best paying article writing websites daily newspaper covering US and international news.

The paper accepts freelance news submissions. This magazine is devoted to science fiction, fantasy, and horror. They purchase both fiction and nonfiction writing. Payment for nonfiction is 10 cents per word up to their word limit. Payment for fictionwords best paying article writing websites also 10 cents per word.

Coastal Review Online is published by the North Carolina Coastal Federation. They accept freelance submissions of words. Color Bloq publishes "art, scholarship, and community knowledge" by QTPoC writers and creatives around each collection's theme.

They have an open-pitch process and publish quarterly. They accept articles and critiques focused on history in a social, cultural, or political context as well as reporting and analysis and best paying article writing websites studies into a singular topic.

com is a cooking, recipe, and food blog. com, tied to Cosmopolitan magazine, is looking for online contributors to submit essays about "a memorable, crazy, hilarious, or touching college experience. Couchbase accepts contributions of tutorials and blog posts related to Couchbase and the benefits of NoSQL. Topics they suggest include GeoJSON with. NET, Paging with N1QL, programming languages like PHP, Ruby, and Java, and more. com is a comedy site that publishes listicle-style articles around pop culture topics and more.

Daily Science Fiction publishes original short works of speculative fiction, best paying article writing websites. They pay 8 cents per word for first worldwide rights and nonexclusive reprint rights. Best paying article writing websites accept stories, including flash fiction, from words. DAME accepts essays and reported features from freelance writers.

Submissions should be written for an audience of women on issues such as politics, reproductive rights, civil rights, race, sex, class, gender, LGBTQ, disability, media, law, or cultural trends. Earth Island Journal covers environmental issues such as wildlife conservation,land conversation,public policy, climate and energy, and more. ElitePersonalFinance is a personal finance blog publishing advanced articles on credit reports, credit cards, and identity theft, best paying article writing websites.

Writers familiar with personal finance are welcome to pitch guest posts. Long term opportunities are possible for advanced writers with interesting ideas. Freelance Mom is an online publication for professional mothers though they accept submissions from dads too. The community looks for actionable advice and tips including a minute action plan at the end.

HowlRound accepts submissions to its journal from "contributors who are deeply invested in and committed to the theatre field. IncomeDiary accepts online submissions about web development, web and blog design, SEO, driving traffic, social media, content creation, and making money online. They're looking for instructional articles related to HR professionals.

Articles are generally - words. Pay attention to the writer's guidelines for notes on when to submit season-specific tutorials. LiisBeth accepts queries from new and professional feminist writers "anywhere along the gender continuum. The average word count for profiles and small features is words, best paying article writing websites. Larger features typically run words. Linode hires freelance technical writers to write tutorials about Linux, Linode, and cloud infrastructure.

Listverse publishes list-based posts covering topics ranging from the bizarre to entertainment to science. Posts must include at least ten list items. The LA Times accepts freelance contributions to its travel section, both in print and online.

They buy first North American rights, and have strict ethical standards please review their linked guidelines for details. They don't accept queries -- you must send the full spec piece. And trips must have been taken in the past two best paying article writing websites. They accept word submissions for their Weekend Escape section, word destination pieces for print and online publication, and word blog posts.

This parenting magazine for southeast Michigan also publishes online including some online-only articles. For MetroParent. This lifestyle magazine focuses on the Midwest region of the U. They often test new freelancers with local scouting assignments or word articles for their website.

Model Railroad Hobbyist publishes articles and videos "on all aspects of model railroading and on prototype real railroading as a subject for modeling.

Nevada Magazine is the state of Nevada's official tourism magazine. Payments for stories on their website, NevadaMagazine. They pay on publication and they don't pay expenses, best paying article writing websites. ws accepts Photoshop design tutorials and quick-tips. You must submit a picture of your final Photoshop project and can do so for consideration before writing the tutorial itself.

Postmark accepts tutorials from freelance writers who can write about transactional emails for developers. Topics might include email delivery, reputation, design, tools, testing, and tutorials for using Postmark with specific coding languages. Pseudopod is an "audio magazine" in the horror genre. Writers can submit their stories to have them read and recorded by voice actors. Rattle accepts unsolicited poetry submissions year-round.

They do not accept previously-published work but publishing to the author's own blog, best paying article writing websites, message boards, and best paying article writing websites media accounts are not disqualifying. They encourage simultaneous submissions. They also publish writing tips related to writing reader-friendly content and copy.

Revpm is a personal finance blog that accepts posts that feature practical ideas for earning and saving more money. They particularly look for detailed stories with numbers, strategies, and tips. They accept both one-off pitches and freelancers who want to contribute daily, weekly, or monthly.

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Websites That Pay Writers $+ in | All Freelance Writing

best paying article writing websites

May 10,  · Pay is $ for profiles, short essays, reviews, blog posts, and "parting shots" under words. Pay is $ for feature stories and photo essays generally running words. And pay is $ for research-based articles and investigative reporting Best Sites that will Pay You to Write Articles Online. Wow Women on Writing: $ Wow Women on Writing does one thing really well: They look after female writers, encourage them and genuinely seek to Strong Whispers: $50 – $ Want to Start Writing and Earning Straight Away? Link-Able Feb 06,  · So it’s a decent paid writing site to fall back on if you have no luck elsewhere. Ebyline – Best for Published Writers. Do you have posts you authored on the Web in your name? Are any of them for high-level sites? If so, you can build up a credible profile on Ebyline very fast

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