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By The 74 December 9, L earning loss. Virtual instruction. Family stress. Student supports. As we then reached September, best essay 2020, and it became apparent that the disruptions caused by coronavirus would also extend well intoa new series of essays took the longer view, of how school leaders, parents and state policymakers should brace for continued hardships.
Below are our 15 most memorable essays of the year; you can our latest commentary and analysis delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for The 74 Newsletter. Brandon Yam far lefthis parents and 5 siblings. Student Voice: Two Weeks, Five Siblings and One Working Laptop.
Yam is a junior at highly selective Francis Lewis High School. A few other memorable entries from An Open Letter to Parents From a National Teacher of the Year on Tips for Remote Learning and How to Support Your School Community. Open Letter to Joe Biden — The Votes of Black and Brown Charter School Parents Matter.
Ignore Us at Your Own Peril. Politics: This past spring, the Democrats formed six so-called Unity Task Forces intended to give hope and unification to the party. They may do so for some forces within the party, writes contributor Howard Fuller, but to Black and brown families who have chosen public charter schools to ensure their children get the best education possible, the makeup of the Task Force on Education is an insult.
We demand to be seen, valued and heard. We want to be more than photo ops to be used in your campaign literature. We will not accept second-class citizenship. We demand our seat at the table so you can hear and learn from our collective expertise and experiences, which come out of rich histories of struggle against oppression in this country.
Chad Aldeman: How Much Learning Time Are Students Getting? Remote Learning: Back in August, best essay 2020 Chad Best essay 2020 calculated that the remote learning schedule for his local public school district of Fairfax, Virginia, was offering less than half of a typical school year to his first-grade son.
This trend is not unique to Fairfax: The majority of American students are experiencing either a partial school day or week, or fully virtual classes. Seven of the 10 — Los Angeles; Clark County, Nevada; Wake County, North Carolina; New York City; Montgomery Country, Maryland; Fairfax; and Chicago — are planning to deliver far less instructional time to students than normal, best essay 2020. But Houston; Gwinnett County, Georgia; and Miami-Dade, Florida, are on track to surpass the minimal state requirements for instructional hours.
Read the full analysis. A mural painted in June by Providence artist naturalsnatural memorializes George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. naturalsnaturals via Instagram. Derrell Bradford: Black Lives Matter and Black Education Matters Because Freedom Matters. Only When Black Best essay 2020 Are Safe to Both Learn and Live Will America Be Free. Equity: The killing of George Floyd and subsequent calls to action by the Black Lives Matter movement drove home some long-ago lessons for contributor Derrell Bradford about the continuum on which best essay 2020, the police and education interact.
You cannot solve a problem of Black lives with an all-lives solution. All education cannot matter until Black education does.
And only when Black folks are safe to both learn, and live, will all Americans be free. We Must Not Waste It. Just as nurses work on the front lines battling the coronavirus, educators are on the front lines of a battle against learning loss. Despite unprecedented instructional challenges, distance learning can be viewed as a once-in-a-generation chance for teachers to hone their craft.
Andrew Rotherham: From Homeschooling to the Digital Divide to Philanthropy, 10 Questions About COVID and the Future of Education. The education world was no exception; despite a generally haphazard response, a surprising certitude about what would work and not work or happen or not happen was pervasive. But working with stakeholders around the country made Rotherham certain only about the uncertainty. From homeschooling and the digital divide to the quality of curriculum, best essay 2020, real estate and education philanthropy, here were 10 questions he started asking during the first wave of the pandemic.
Read the full essay. This Week-by-Week Survey of Parents Has Some Answers. Parent Perceptions: The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the lives of millions of Americans, but for parents, it has created a unique set of challenges. Many suddenly found themselves homeschooling their kids, working from home, facing reduced hours best essay 2020 their jobs or, in some cases, unemployed.
To better understand how parents are navigating best essay 2020 challenges, the American Enterprise Institute is analyzing weekly surveys, conducted by Echelon Insights, of public school parents. The results of these surveys, which began in April, best essay 2020, provide a unique insight into the concerns and experiences of parents through their evolving responses to COVID, and can help leaders with their plans for reopening schools.
Contributors John Bailey and Olivia Shaw break down the top findings. The essential job description for district financial leaders continues to be one of leveraging limited resources to maximize student learning.
But doing that job is now immensely more complicated than at any time in recent history. Fairfax Public Schools increase food distribution sites to provide breakfast and lunch to students in need during school closures Getty Images. School Communities: The angst that accompanied the decision by many superintendents to close schools in the spring — especially in big urban centers like New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles — was not all about lost learning.
If the calculation were merely about missed classroom time vs. public health and safety, the choice would have been simpler. They are where students are fed, receive medical, dental and mental health services and even wash their clothes. As Gov. You are a 10th-grade English teacher.
Versions of this scene will play out in thousands of classrooms across the country next year, as students who have missed months of learning time finally return to classrooms far behind academically. Giving those students lower-level work to help them catch up — or, in the more extreme best essay 2020, asking them to repeat an entire grade — has good intentions and a certain logic. Done right, these interventions can give students who are lagging the ability to handle grade-level assignments at the same time as their peers.
Just trying to give every child a real chance to do grade-level work, however imperfectly, will lead to far better results than picking and choosing who gets those opportunities. It starts with a commitment to accelerating learning instead of ratcheting it ever downward. That Might Not Be a Good Idea. Accountability: In March, with students suddenly learning from home, the U. Department of Education granted states a blanket exemption from standardized testing. The decision was relatively straightforward, as there was virtually no infrastructure in place for securely administering high-stakes exams remotely.
But with many schools at least partially reopening in the fall, deciding what to do about best essay 2020 testing this coming spring is anything but. One thing, though is clear, write contributors Daniel Silver and Morgan Polikoff of the University of Southern California: Parents want the tests canceled.
The Understanding America Study, administered by the USC Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research to a nationally representative sample of 1, U. Read their full analysis of why canceling exams, even with all their challenges, might not be a good idea, best essay 2020.
How Schools Can Make That Happen. Some went missing from virtual classes altogether, best essay 2020, leaving teachers and principals scrambling to find them. Others, best essay 2020, particularly middle and high school students, reported a troubling lack of people to turn to for academic and emotional help.
Surrounding students with an interconnected web of positive relationships is the foundation of healthy youth development, best essay 2020, best essay 2020 contributors Mahnaz Charania and Julia Freeland Fisher. Kimberly A. Smith: A Call to Action — Black Educators Need White Co-Conspirators to Combat Racism in Schools and Empower Our Students to Succeed.
Racism: The image of George Floyd gasping for air held symbolic resonance for contributor Kimberly A. But as a Black woman working in education, she knows the system cannot be changed solely by Black leaders best essay 2020 educators; it is centered in whiteness, so transformation resides in the privilege afforded to white leaders, from policymakers to nonprofit executives to superintendents.
The work, she says, must be done in full and equitable partnership with Black leaders in order to shape the pillars of an education institution that values and celebrates Black students. Social-Emotional Learning: As Principal Sara Carlson Striegel prepared to launch the new virtual school year in August, they were working to ensure students have access to high-quality academic resources and teacher guidance. But just as important was for students and teachers to come together in support of their mental health.
Last fall, the school launched a social-emotional learning program, Compass Circles, which provides a framework for teachers to host regular meetings with small groups of students.
When in person, participants sit in a circle and go through structured rituals where they discuss how they are doing emotionally and support their peers and colleagues in doing the same. When schools began shutting down last spring, they moved their Circle practice online using video conferencing platforms.
Once a week, best essay 2020, third- through fifth-graders join a Zoom room with other members of their Circle and go best essay 2020 the same sequence they would have in person.
Get our latest news, commentary and exclusives delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for The 74 Newsletter, best essay 2020. By The 74 December 9, L earning loss. Rodney Robinson Richmond Public Schools, best essay 2020.
American Enterprise Institute. Edunomics Lab. The Christensen Institute. Rocky Mountain Best essay 2020. Sign-Up for Best essay 2020 Newsletter Submit.
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Dec 18, · Longreads Best of Essays. This story was funded by Longreads Members. Join and help support great storytelling. All through December, we’re featuring Longreads’ Best of Mississippi: A Poem, in Days (Kiese Makeba Laymon, Vanity Fair) Molly (Blake Butler, The Volta) I Cry for the So you hire the best essay help service and you get a well-formatted paper that works. You can use it as a sample for your practice. Analyze the writer’s style and the way they used authoritative resources to defend the thesis statement. Check the format and use it to compose outlines for other essays Class of Below you’ll find selected examples of essays that “worked” from the Class of , as nominated by our admissions committee. These entries are distinct and unique to the individual writer; however, each of them assisted the admissions reader in learning more about the student beyond the transcripts and lists of activities
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