Mar 12, · Babson’s supplemental essay prompt reflects this desire to think more expansively about what life can look like by giving applicants the option to film a video of its answer rather than write it. As you approach this application, think about how you can leverage either format to best display your unique interests and talents Jul 13, · However, Babson’s curriculum lacks hospitality and language courses. I want to master Spanish and Mandarin to expand my opportunities through communication and networking. I want to attend Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration to learn the best practices and prepare for the restaurant industry’s blending of cultures The voice from the communicator continued, “Your base of operations will be at Babson College, where you will train and report to your fellow agents and me.” Upon mention of my meeting point, images of tall, stoic-looking men in dark business suits, chanting the creeds of Wall Street and the NYSE, paraded around my mind. My brows furrowed
Babson Supplement Essay – Futures Illustrated
Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve. Instead of greasy, MSG-laced take-out, everyone deserves to indulge in the nutritious, fresh cuisine that I experienced growing up, on trips to Asia, and at my workplace Zoe Mama in Boulder, Colorado. While working at Zoe Mama, I prepared and served authentic, storemade meals, babson supplement essay. I was thrilled when satisfied customers raved about our dishes and exited with a smile.
I left Zoe Mama to attend business school on the East Coast, but Babson supplement essay have missed it ever since. When returning to the babson supplement essay last winter, babson supplement essay, I reconnected with old coworkers, recognized regulars, and greeted the kitchen staff in Spanish.
The restaurant was bustling; people entered hungry and finished satiated. Mama generates a healthy profit by attracting loyal patrons, while maintaining fresh ingredients and low prices as a competitive advantage. Why is there nothing like it Boston? Her superhuman work ethic. She labors for 13 hours a day, 7 days a week, babson supplement essay, in two locations. There must be a better way.
Overcome with nostalgia and inspiration, I realized: not only do I want to return to the hospitality industry; I want to be at its forefront, solving the problem of making nutritious, ethnic babson supplement essay available at an accessible price, babson supplement essay. I initially chose Babson College because I have always dreamed of leading an enterprise that changes the world.
Through their academics, I design and manage an ecommerce website, statistically analyze business models, and evaluate corporations through financial statements, all which affirmed my love for business.
I want to master Spanish and Mandarin to expand my opportunities through communication and networking. Connecting with others, often enhanced by language, is key to hospitality. In ninth grade, while in Nicaragua on a school service trip, I had the opportunity to use my classroom-learned Spanish. I took pride in pushing my limits and thinking critically about using new phrases to continue conversations and start interactions. I was captivated by babson supplement essay ability to form connections by speaking the local language.
With the ability to communicate babson supplement essay more cultures, I create a hospitable environment by displaying my gratitude and care. In addition to cultural resonance, language is essential for collaborating with diversity in hospitality. To improve my Spanish and strengthen the working relationship, I spoke bilingually with the kitchen staff at Zoe Mama. I translated special orders and collaborated during stressful lunch rushes, babson supplement essay, improving the workflow.
We surpassed customer expectations and generated loyalty. Sadly, I could not apply the same efficiency to communicating with Mama because I did not speak Chinese.
I could never strike up meaningful conversations with her as she would with Mandarin speaking customers or employees. I regret missing out on her insight, babson supplement essay, techniques, and recipes. Never again. I will learn Chinese to form bonds and access the secrets behind authentic cuisine, enriching the lives of my clientele. I would love to attend SHA to study hospitality, while taking Chinese classes from the School of Arts and Sciences.
By capitalizing on my passion for providing a fulfilling dining experience, I will babson supplement essay language and hospitality to form community through accessible, healthful, and culturally-authentic dishes. Healthy, babson supplement essay, cheap, or tasty. When eating out, you usually can only pick two. Zoe Mama a vibrant Chinese restaurant, in downtown Boulder, CO, manages to deliver flavorful meals, with nutritious ingredients babson supplement essay low prices.
As a foodie and aspiring entrepreneur, their success and application of the quick-service model inspires me. I would like to study Hotel Administration at Cornell, so I can acquire broad industry knowledge and uncover the best methods to scale a nurturing, delicious, babson supplement essay, and affordable restaurant.
Through a semester-long course in my junior year, I discovered my love for business. I led a team of five students to create a pitch for an online marketplace that repurposed unwanted goods. Our presentation left the audience of parents and teachers cheering. After the event, spectating entrepreneurs approached me to offer their compliments and support in moving the venture forward.
I continued to hone my interests by competing in two Startup Weekend events, where teams develop and pitch an idea to business veterans.
Both times, I rose to a leadership role, inspiring my groups to surpass the competition and develop innovative solutions. These experiences taught me how to manage group dynamics and turn a simple thought into a powerful reality—I knew I was meant for the business world.
I am energized and motivated in the pursuit of building a great venture. At Cornell, with events and resources from the Pillsbury Center for Hospitality Entrepreneurship, I will continue fostering my creativity. While collaborating with like-minded students and alumni, I hope to continue pushing the limits of my problem solving skills. To provide the best experience possible for my future customers, I must use my education to solve the problems babson supplement essay limit more healthful food and better service, babson supplement essay.
I am driven by customer satisfaction. I was delighted when regulars entered, as I loved catching up and providing them with another satisfying meal. My connection to the restaurant community inspired me, babson supplement essay, so I started to play an increasingly managerial role. I trained and guided employees, resolved customer complaints, and initiated a task accountability babson supplement essay after seeing daily procedures incomplete.
I enjoyed applying problem solving skills to create a thriving environment for both employees and customers. I love working in hospitality and learning through experiential education, so the Statler Hotel is perfect for me to learn managerial skills.
By training in its upscale environment, I will be prepared to exceed industry standards and customer expectations. As I demonstrated in prior business scenarios, babson supplement essay, I thrive when immersed in an environment that resonates with me. At the Statler Hotel, I will aim to reach the standard of excellence necessary to participate in the Hotel Leadership Development Program.
Equipped with the leading practices taught at the Statler Hotel, I will be prepared to build and operate a hospitality enterprise. Skip to content Cornell Transfer Essay. By continuing to use this website, babson supplement essay, you agree to their use.
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My College Application Process and Decision - Why Babson
, time: 9:54Cornell Transfer Essay – Futures Illustrated

Moved Permanently. The document has moved here Apr 25, · Here are application essay examples that worked for Babson College. Use these examples to craft your own admission essay. David Wolkoff’s eBay Store. April 25, April 25, by Enrollee. Common Application. Topic of your choice. When I was fifteen I borrowed $ from my father, bought a broken Sidekick phone on eBay, watched YouTube Jul 13, · However, Babson’s curriculum lacks hospitality and language courses. I want to master Spanish and Mandarin to expand my opportunities through communication and networking. I want to attend Cornell’s School of Hotel Administration to learn the best practices and prepare for the restaurant industry’s blending of cultures
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